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It always starts out with one, doesn’t it?

5 February, 2008 (00:52) | Kitten Faces

I never understood the saying, "Cats are like potato chips, You can't have just one." I don't really like potato chips unless you consider pretzels and pork rinds chips?

Now I totally get it!

First there was Pandora, "Bitch kitty". I got her when a friend moved away and couldn't take her. I couldn't resist her hateful glare. She was skittish, but soon warmed up and claimed me as "hers". We did just fine on our own for a year, but then I started working long hours and she started getting tubby. I felt like a bad meowmie so I considered getting her a sibling. I wanted to run to the shelter right away, but then I had a flashback.

I had two cats when I was 18 and in my first apartment. Angus and his brother Snowball. I admit, I couldn't handle the two of them. The food bill, the stinky cat box, and the playing/fighting at all hours about drove me over the edge. I ending up giving "little brother" to a co-worker who thankfully spoiled him ROTTEN.

I didn't want to be an irresponsible pet owner and risk getting another cat, only to give it away again. I'd made many mistakes when it come to animals, and I suffered enough. I'm sure they did too. To this day I regret leaving Angus with my ex and years later having a old friend take Arthur (got him when I moved out of dorms) to the INHUMANE society. My heart aches just thinking about them.

I digress..

One evening I was leaving work and saw a to give away ad with a picture of "Boo". "Lap kitty searching for new mom and dad". Her green eyes called out "Meowmie, come get me!" I took down the entire ad and basically ran to my car.


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