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R.I.P Snooch (Caramon)

18 August, 2009 (01:38) | Uncategorized

My heart goes out to Mel Hynes, J. Grant and Raistlin for their recent loss of Caramon.

Raistlin and Caramon adopted Mel in 1997.  A few years later she, and James Grant started a webcomic based on the misadventures of  the pair. Raistlin became "Ebenezer" aka Eben or Benny, the intelligent, suave brother who is always searching for ways to rule the world while trying not to kill his brother. Caramon became "Snooch", who only lives for for gooshy food, alcohol (vodka) and pettin's. He's often watching TV, eating anything in site or riding the carpet ship.

This comic never ceases to make me laugh out loud. The writing is beyond fabulous! The cartoon versions of the cats are awesome and on the website there are also pictures of the real Eben and Snooch. Even though Caramon will be missed, the comic will go on.

Click on either icon to visit Two Lumps.

Bored Eben





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